B.F. Guy House

Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Davis House
Street Address:
109 Rose Hill Street, Anderson, SC

Site Number:
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
March 12 1984
Construction Date:
circa 1914
Current Use:
Architect or Builder:
Construction Method:
Foundation Materials:
Brick Piers with Fill
Roof Materials:
patterned tin
Signficant Architectural Features:
one-story, weatherboard, hip roof, boxed cornice plain frieze, central entry w/ diamond pane sidelites, 1/1 sash windows in out side bays; slightly projecting bay on right side of facade with pediment gable with square louvered vent, hip roof porch spans facade supported by slender columns on brick piers; small projecting pediment gable centered on roof supported by paired columns; two symmetrical corbeled chimneys; projecting bays on side elevation with pediment gables; 2 hip roof projections at rear, partially enclosed in between projections; aluminum awnings on porch. OUTBUILDINGS:
space between projecting sections at rear enclosed.
Source of Historical Information:
Anderson City Directory 1915-16, Sanborn Insurance Map-1918;Clyde Davis, 109 Rose Hill st., Anderson, sc
Anderson - City - West Whitner Street - West Market Street, 1983-1984
Archives Location:
Box 13, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014

Related place
Anderson County