"Oak Knoll"
Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Street Address:
447 York Street, Aiken, SC
Site Number:
Site Number:
2-10- 220-(149)/30052-05-008
Date Surveyed:
Construction Date:
circa 1927
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Architect or Builder:
Willis Irvin architect
Construction Method:
Foundation Materials:
Roof Materials:
slate or asbestos cement shingles
Signficant Architectural Features:
2-story brick house, irregular in plan. Gable roof has boxed eaves. lenest-ration varies; most of the windows appear to be casement type, windows have projecting brick sills. House has 2 brick chimneys with corbeled caps - one is in plan, other contains recessed panels. Front: (NE elevation): asymmetrical. Projecting gabled E end of frame - at peak of roof is a triangular weatherboarded area cont. a rect. louvered vent. On 2nd story is a double window consisting of 2 single sash, 8-light windows. On first floor - E. end is a small single 4/4 window. At W end is the front entrance, which features a single door with elaborate wrought iron hig tes and window with diamond panes set in a Tudor-arched opening. Surrounding the door opening, which is set in a 1-story gabled projection, is pink stone. Attached to the NW side of the 2-story gabled projection is a small one-story projection with hipped roof that contains a diamond-paned window on its north side. At north end of front on 1st floor is a window opening containing 4 8-light, single-sash casement windows. On the second floor is a triple window (3 8-light single sash casement windows.). < SE side: gabled 1-1/2 story wing features on its NE side a gabled wall dormer containing a double window (2 single-sash, 8-light casement windows) and, on the first floor, a triple window consisting of 3 4/4 double hung windows. SE elev. of E. wing has large rect. louvered vent in gable end, 2 single 6/6 windows on 2nd floor, projection with shed roof on first floor (that wraps around the south corner) that has a door and 26/6 windows on its SE side. NW side: Exterior gable end chimney in center, to the N of which on the second floor is a single 6/6 window, on the 1st floor a double casement window (2 sash, each sash with 8 lights). At the W end of this side is a 1-story gabled wing that has a triple window (3 single sash 8 light casement window) on its NE side. Attached to the north corner of the 1-story wing is a brick wall that extends NW, then down parallel to Whiskey Road; and prob across 9 border of property. This wall has a wooden gate on its N side. It probably encloses a garden. OUTBUILDINGS: 21’ x 22' brick garage with concrete floors at SE corner of property
Aiken - City - Winter Colony Historic Districts Survey, 1982
Archives Location:
Box 11, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014