Horry County Courthouse

National Register Listing
Street Address:
1201 Third Avenue, Conway (Horry County)
Alternate Name:
Third Avenue Courthouse

NRHP Nomination

Record Number:
Description and Narrative:
The Horry County Courthouse is listed in the National Register of Historic Places under Politics/Government for its long service as the county’s center of law and public space, and under Architecture as an excellent local example of the Neoclassical Revival style. Located in Conway, the courthouse was built in 1908 as a public symbol of Horry County’s rise from one of the poorest and most isolated counties in antebellum South Carolina to being among the leaders in the state’s turn-of-the-century agricultural economy. Larger in size and with more modern accommodations than either of its two predecessors, the Horry County Courthouse on Third Avenue provided local residents with a more convenient and functional space better-equipped to serve a growing, active population. The center of the present facility is the original two-story brick building, with a front portico supported by Ionic columns, topped by a balustrade. A small speaking balcony sits over the double door main entrance under the portico. The plan features a cross-hall layout with clerestory windows around the higher walls of the center section of the building. The center is capped with an eight-sided cupola. Significant additions and renovations were undertaken at the courthouse in 1938 and 1964. The courthouse displays many character-defining features of the style on both its exterior and interior, with all additions matching the initial structure in scale, style, and materials. Listed in the National Register May 27, 2022.
Period of Significance:
1908 – 1964
Level of Significance:
Area of Significance:
National Register Determination:
Date of Certification:
May 27 2022

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Horry County