Cabbage Row - Catfish Row
Historic Property
Street Address:
89 - 91 Church Street
Site card for S108042000100432000
Date Surveyed:
circa 1972
Number of Stories:
Exterior Walls Materials:
Stucco; ; ;
Signficant Architectural Features:
Post Revolutionary. This two story stucco tenement which was built some time just before the Revolution was the "sometimey" home of Charleston's famous Goat Cart Sammy, the legendary crippled beggar who inspired Dubose Heyward to write his immortal "Porgy." In Heyward's play, the scene was actually the waterfront along Vanderhorst's Wharf, but legend has somehow mysteriously moved the scene back to the west side of Church Street. In the 1920's Loutrel Briggs, the landscape architect, renovated the then slum tenement into the quaint and colorful structure it now is. It is now owned by a corporate group of real estate developers who rent it to a commercial tenant. Swank gift shops now occupy the same space where cabbages once lined the walk.
Historic Charleston Foundation Survey 1972
Archives Location:
Box 1, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014