Twin Oaks, J.J. Jones House
Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Street Address:
408 E. Railroad Avenue, Bamberg, SC
Site Number:
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
Construction Date:
circa 1914
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Construction Method:
Roof Materials:
Signficant Architectural Features:
2 story clapboard house, square in plan with 1 story wings on the east and west sides. Bell-cast hip roof with projecting eaves and exposed rafters is pierced by 2 exterior end chimneys, 1 interior rear slope chimney, and 1 large hipped dormer in the center of the front slope. Windows are double hung sash with 9/1 lights. Front: is symmetrical; central entrance with sidelights is flanked on either side by a 3-sash mull ion window; a 1 story porch with hip roof supported by paired octagonal columns extends the length of the front facade; there are 3 2-sash mull ion windows on the 2nd floor.
Historical Information:
The first house on this lot built by Mrs. Amanda L. Jones was destroyed by fire in 1914, and the present residential was built shortly thereafter on the foundation of the original hand-hewn sills of the first house. The columns and steps of the old house were also used in the newly constructed one. John J. Jones with his brothers William P. and Robert C., the sons of Amanda Jones, operated the Jones Brothers Livery Sales Stables. The property is now owned by J. J. Jones' daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Patrick.
Source of Historical Information:
"East Railroad Avenue, Bamberg, S. C.";Margaret Lawrence, 111 Felder Street, Bamberg, S. C.
Bamberg - City, 1979-1980
Archives Location:
Box 14, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014