Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Old Baptist Church Parsonage
Street Address:
313 E. Railroad Avenue, Bamberg, SC
Site Number:
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
Construction Date:
circa 1905
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Construction Method:
Foundation Materials:
Roof Materials:
Signficant Architectural Features:
2 story clapboard house with hip and gable roof, 1 large central chimney. 1 story porch with round wooden columns on brick piers and railing with turned balusters wraps around the SE comer of the building. Front entrance features rectangular transom and sidelights. Fenestration is varied; generally 2/2. Front gable features imbricated shingles and attic vent. Projecting 1 story bay on East side. 1 story rear addition. OUTBUILDINGS: 1 concrete block
Historical Information:
On this lot in 1872 was the home of Browning, a radical Justice of the Peace, who was murdered by a member of a prominent Bamberg Co. family. In 1905, the property was sold to Mrs. Theodosia Ott, who was probably the wife of J.P. Ott, a MD who practiced in Bamberg. The Otts probably built the house still located on the lot. In 1917, the house was sold to the Bamberg Baptist Church and was used as a parsonage for 29 years.
Source of Historical Information:
"East Railroad Avenue, Bamberg, SC";Margaret Lawrence, 111 Felder Street, Bamberg, SC
Bamberg - City, 1979-1980
Archives Location:
Box 14, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014