Thomas B. Earl.House

Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Thomas B. Earl House
Street Address:
1003 W. Market Street, Anderson, SC

Site Number:
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
March 16 1984
Construction Date:
circa 1885
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Architect or Builder:
Construction Method:
Foundation Materials:
Brick Piers
Roof Materials:
Patterned tim
Signficant Architectural Features:
One-story, weatherboard, steep gable roof with decorated bargeboards: irregular plan; central projecting gabled bay with a pair of tall l/l windows with a shaped lintel and decorated trim, central ridge straddling corbeled chimney in bay; bay flanked by two wings with gable roof; L-shaped porches with shaped support posts, fan-like brackets, sawtooth eaves and fan-like decoration on roof end, single entry with transom on each porch; rear wing has porch with scroll-cut hutted hoard balusters and shed roof enclosed porch behind left wing; lattice skirting between foundation piers. OUTBUILDINGS: Weatherboard garage with tin roof
porch enclosed at rear
Source of Historical Information:
Von Hasslen’s 1897 map, Anderson Co. Deed Book 2-Y P396;Dolly Fant, 122 W. Whitner St. Anderson
Anderson - City - West Whitner Street - West Market Street, 1983-1984
Archives Location:
Box 14, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014

Related place
Anderson County