Not Named
Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Fennell Hill (38AL2)
Street Address:
1 mile south of the US 301 bridge across the Savannah River,
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
Construction Date:
before 1400
Current Use:
Vacant/Not In Use
Signficant Architectural Features:
Fennel Hill is a Formative shell midden on the Savannah River measuring about 96 meters on the longest axis (NW-SE) and about 48 meters in width. The shell and midden debris are about 1 meter in thickness, thinning out to a slight surface scatter at the fringes of the mound. OUTBUILDINGS:
Several houses were built on the mound in the 1930’s but have since been destroyed. The site has also been cleared by a bulldozer, flattening off some areas on the mound. Originally the site may have been an island, as there are old water courses about 1.5 kilometers to the west of Fennell Hill.
Historical Information:
Fennell Hill is a Formative period shell mound which has produced a wide assemblage of artifacts and has a near complete ceramic sequence for the central Savannah River locality. Found in the midden have been large quantities of fiber-tempered and Thom's Creek pottery, both the earliest pottery found in the Southeast. Fiber-tempered pottery from Rabbit Mount, about 15 kilometers south of Fennell Hill, has C-14 dated to 2500 B.C. - the earliest pottery in North America. There is every indication that the Fennell Hill site is of comparable age. The lithic components suggest a late Archiac - early Woodland concentration. Fennell Hill can help to trace the development of fiber-tempered/Thom's Creek/ Deptford/ Wilmington ceramics and give information on material culture and early diet.
Source of Historical Information:
National Register nomination, prepared in 1974.
Allendale County, 1979-1980
Archives Location:
Box 13, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014