Cedar Hall
Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Cedar Hall
Street Address:
SC 3 North of S-3-66, Boiling Springs vicinity
Site Number:
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
June 18 1979
Construction Date:
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Construction Method:
Foundation Materials:
Roof Materials:
Signficant Architectural Features:
Clapboard house with a raised brick basement, gable roof, 2 interior chimneys. Front: symmetrical, AABAA; double flight of stairs leads to the central main entry which is sheltered by a pedimented portico with 4 solid unfluted wooden columns and plain balusters; rectangular transom and sidelights around the paneled door of the main entry are framed by fluted pilasters; front stair-way altered when central entrance at ground level was added. Basement windows are small double-hung 6/6; main floor windows are larger 9/9. Sides: Palladian windows in gables. Rear: original recessed rear porch enclosed and a new porch added. Interior: Ground floor - portion of foundation enclosed forming a kitchen, breakfast room, and utility room; 2 rooms (1 on each side of present hall) are original; 14" thick walls, large hand-hewn beams visible in ceilings, walls constructed of wide boards. Main floor: 4 rooms with central hall; wide base-boards and chair rail, some original panel doors; finely-carved detail in mantles. OUTBUILDINGS: 1 storage shed
altered-presently undergoing rehabilitation work. Changes being made, and most that have been made, are sensitive to the original design of the building.
Historical Information:
Said to have been built by John Cater in 1837, Cedar Hall was the home of Thomas J. Cuter, in 1951, the property was acquired by the O'Connors. Thomas Henry (Tom) O'Connor, who died in 1969, was editor and publisher of The Allendale County Citizen and The Hampton County Guardian. Some of his editorian columns and epigrams were reprinted in national magazines. This raised cottage features fine 19th century detail and construc-tion techniques.
Source of Historical Information:
Allendale on the Savannah, p. 44, 263-268 basement;Mrs, H, Edward Smith.
Allendale County, 1979-1980
Archives Location:
Box 13, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014