Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Not Named
Street Address:
401 Railroad Avenue, Allendale, SC
Site Number:
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
June 3 1980
Construction Date:
circa 1900
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Foundation Materials:
Brick Piers
Roof Materials:
comp. shingle
Signficant Architectural Features:
1 story frame with clapboard siding. Cross gable roof sheathed in composition shingles has center gable (over entrance) with imbricated shingles. Front porch root is shingled, supported by 6 turned columns and balustrade. Windows are 2/2 light. A one story elongated ell to rear has three distinct rooflines, and a 1 story porch (also with turned columns) extends across rear and down right side of ell. Front and rear entrances are identical: single paneled door, four paned transom, 1/1 sidelights, 1 exterior chimney. Interior: Basic plan seems to have been central hall with one large room on either side. However, the ell is attached to the left front room and contains four other rooms. AL1 rooms and the hall have beaded siding on walls and high ceilings. Molding is intact and original. OUTBUILDINGS:
Wooden Frame
City of Allendale, 1979-1980
Archives Location:
Box 13, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014