"Rose Roof"
Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Street Address:
310 York Street S.E. (southeast corner of Colleton Avenue & York Street), Aiken, SC
Site Number:
Site Number:
Date Surveyed:
Construction Date:
circa 1920
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Construction Method:
Foundation Materials:
Roof Materials:
composition shingle
Signficant Architectural Features:
One and one-halt story house. Although the Sanborns show this as a brick building, it looks to me like the brick, which is laid in stretcher bond, is a veneer. Hip roof has boxed cornice. Windows are double hung sash, 1/1 (orig. windows may have been replaced?). House has at least 3 cylindrical brick chimneys. Front (NW elevation): symmetrical, ABA - A's are single 1/1 windows, and B is front entrance, a single paneled door framed by rectangular 8-light transom and 5-light sidelights. Across the central 1/3 of the facade is a porch with pedimented gable roof supported by 4 Corinthian columns. NE elevation: on NE slope of roof is a large hipped dormer, which is weatherboarded and which contains 3 single 1/1 windows. 1st floor features single and double windows and an exterior chimney. At N. end is a 1-story glazed addition with corrugated fiberglass roof. Rear: has hipped weatherboarded dormer. 1-story frame section (an addition?). SW elevation: hipped dormer like NE side. Single and double windows. OUTBUILDINGS: 16' X 18' brick garage with concrete floor
(see description)
Source of Historical Information:
Title search, winter cottage lists, etc.
Aiken - City - Winter Colony Historic Districts Survey, 1982
Archives Location:
Box 11, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014