
Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Street Address:
438 Grace Avenue (northwest corner of Grace Ave. & Sumter Street), Aiken, SC

Site Number:
Site Number:
2-10-192 (11)/30052-12-001
Date Surveyed:
Construction Date:
circa 1927
Current Use:
Construction Method:
Ext. walls stucco & aluminum
Foundation Materials:
Roof Materials:
composition shingle
Signficant Architectural Features:
1 1/2 story house. First floor of exterior is stuccoed, second floor (dormers, ends of roof) have been covered with synthetic siding that resembles weatherboards. House has 3 chimneys - 3 on the main part of the house, one on the 1-story rear addition. Windows are double hung sash, 9/1; some of them have louvered shutters which are not original. Gambred roof. Small 1-bay porch in center has gambrel roof. 2 stuccoed posts. Front: (SW elev.): symmetrical, ABA - A's are double windows; B is the front entrance, a single door framed by rect. transom and sidelight. On the front slope of the roof is a shed dormer containing 3 single windows; shed dormer is sheathed with aluminum siding. Ext. chimney in center; NW elev.: A one-story wing with hipped roof on this facade contains a screened porch. 2 single windows on 2nd floor. Two rect. lovered vents near peak of roof. Rear: one-story addition with gable roof, irregular in plan. SE elev.: In center of 1st floor is a small stuccoed wing with hip roof that has a double window on its SW & SE sides and a door on its NE side. To the S of the wing on the 1st floor is a double window; to the E is a small square 2nd floor - 2 single windows. Rect. louvered vents near peak of roof. OUTBUILDINGS: frame detached garage burned and was rebuilt in 1983; stable (L-shaped frame) built in 1981 - building permit 5-20-81. (original horse barns torn down.)
Synthetic Siding, additions
Aiken - City - Winter Colony Historic Districts Survey, 1982
Archives Location:
Box 11, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014

Related place
Aiken County