
Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Street Address:
225 S. Boundary Ave., S.E., Aiken, SC

Site Number:
Site Number:
2-10-75 (8)
Date Surveyed:
September 16 1982
Construction Date:
circa 1904
Current Use:
Construction Method:
wood frame
Foundation Materials:
Roof Materials:
composition shingle
Signficant Architectural Features:
Two-story frame house covered with synthetic siding that resembles weather-boards. Truncated hip roof features entablature with dentil course. House has at least three brick chimneys with corbeled caps, window types and groupings vary, but most of them are double-hung sash. Front (N. elevation): asymmetrical. E. end of front projects slightly, features 1 8/8 window with louvered shutters on each floor— to W. of this projecting section is the front entrance, a single glass and wood panel door framed by fluted pilasters and an entablature; above entrance on the 2nd floor, is a single 6/6 window with louvered shutters. The front entrance is sheltered by a 1-story porch with hipped roof, Roman Doric columns, & balustrade with plain balusters; this porch, which extends across 2/3 of the north elevation & around the NE corner of the house, covers on the facade a rect. diamond-paned single-sash window and a 6/6 window; Above the porch & to the W. of the window over the front door, is a doorway with single door that opens onto a balcony that is set into the porch roof, and one 6/6 window with louvered shutters. To W. of porch is a double window (2 single-sash 10-light windows) on the first floor and a double 6/6 window on the second. Two front dormers— one with hip roof ext. 2 6-light windows, one with shed roof cont. one rect. window with muntins arr. in a decorative design. East elevation: doorway, double windows & single windows on first floor, 3 single windows on second floor. West elevation: S. end, which proj. slightly, features one ext. chimney; at N. end is a small porch with hipped roof, chamfered posts, plain balustrade. OUTBUILDINGS: To SW of house is stable building (frame weatherboarded).
Additions and remodelling 1927-31
Historical Information:
Built by Scotsman, John Laird. Later owned by the F.V. Burtons of New York City in the 1920s and given the name "Southlea."
Aiken - City - Winter Colony Historic Districts Survey, 1982
Archives Location:
Box 11, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014

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Aiken County