Historic Property
Alternate Name:
Farmer's Warehouse
Street Address:
Chestnut and Washington Street, Abbeville, South Carolina (Abbeville County)
Date Surveyed:
circa 1981
Construction Date:
circa 1901
Historic Use:
Current Use:
Vacant/Not In Use
Exterior Walls Materials:
Foundation Materials:
Roof Materials:
Standing seam metal
Signficant Architectural Features:
large deteriorating warehouse building w/ 10 bays divided by projecting brick fire walls; infill within the bays is brick on some of the bays, corrugated metal on some of the other and combines use of corrugated metal and cinderblock on others. Most of the bays have large wooden warehouse doors on both levels; building has wooden roof framing on two of the brick walls, the brick on the exterior is laid in common bond w/ every 6th course being headers. The warehouse is not in use at present - is in sadly deteriorated conditions. Warehouse is in rapidly developing commercial area w/ adjacent middle and lower class residential areas. There is one brick liquor store attached to the south end of the warehouse.
1901 - 1 bay being built
1906 - 4 bays
1912 - 5 bays
1922 - 8 bays (same 1930)
Corrugated metal
Abbeville - City 1981
Archives Location:
Box 9, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014