Robert Martin House
Historic Property
Street Address:
16 Charlotte Street
Site card for S108042000100359000
Date Surveyed:
circa 1972
Construction Date:
1834 – 1840
Number of Stories:
Exterior Walls Materials:
Roof Shape:
Signficant Architectural Features:
Constructed by Robert Martin, this is one of the largest houses in this area of old Mazychkboro. The 3-story brick dwelling is a double house that stands upon a high brick basement. The Greek Revival fashion comes through in the bold and robust features of the house. Its square bulk has a broad gabled roof with a dog-toothed cornice and brick quions. Solid marble lintels top each window which have brownstone sills. The piazzas are supported by Doric columns; those on the basement level are 5 feet in circumference. The entrance way is carved in an egg-and-dart trim. The house is noted for having the first stationary bathtub in the city. It is located in the basement level and is carved from a block of Winnsboro granite and is seven feet in length.
Historic Charleston Foundation Survey 1972
Archives Location:
Box 1, Series 108042, Survey of historic resources (county by county data on surface properties), circa 1971-2014